An AI Bill of Rights. What exactly is this? (AP News, October 4, 2022)

White House unveils artificial intelligence ‘Bill of Rights’ by Garance Burke October 4, 2022.
Read the article: White House unveils artificial intelligence 'Bill of Rights' | AP News

Alondra Nelson, Deputy Director for science and society at the White House

On October 4th, the White House unveiled a blueprint of unbinding guidelines aiming at averting potential harms of the ever-rising use of AI systems. The document puts forward five core principles to be built into all AI systems: safety, algorithmic discrimination protection, data privacy, notice and explanation, and fallback.

Read the document: Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights | OSTP | The White House

This bill of rights is the product of a “year-long consultation with more than two dozen different departments, and also incorporates feedback from civil society groups, technologists, industry researchers, and tech companies.”

Alondra Nelson, deputy director for science and society at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, believes that this was a call to action to encourage all the stakeholders, “across government and all sectors, to put equity and civil rights at the center of how we use and govern technologies.”

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This piece in IEEE Spectrum, which is published by one of the world’s largest engineering organizations, provides additional perspectives on the “AI Bill of Rights”: