Link: Here come the Artificial Intelligence nutritionists by Sandeep Ravindran (NYTimes, Mar 14, 2022)
Summary: DayTwo is a new dietary app that uses artificial intelligence to control blood sugar. This app asks users to put in their blood sugar, height, weight, and medical conditions to aid them in making better food choices according to their health conditions. Instead of a traditional diet, which often has a list of “good” and “bad” foods, personalized diet apps are more like personal assistants that help someone quickly make healthy food choices. They are based on research showing that bodies each react differently to the same foods, and the healthiest choices are likely to be unique to each individual. Currently, these algorithms primarily focus on blood sugar, but newer versions will incorporate genetics, pre-existing risk for conditions, and more personal data like sleep, exercise, or stress to recommend diets that reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, resting heart rate, or any other measurable clinical indicator. Many companies are trying to design artificial intelligence diet programs that could target other aspects of metabolic health, such as obesity and heart disease, eventually helping to guide a person’s everyday meal choices.
Audience: This article may be interesting to Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Biology students, as well as people interested in Public Health, Nutrition, AI, ML, and Data Science.